Miscellaneous Facts About me
On this page, I have a collection of random facts about me (things that you would otherwise not be able to know from my CV 😊).
👩🎓 I joined the Computer Engineering program at Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) in 2009 (the year it was created). Since I finished all courses one semester earlier, I graduated alone (i.e., the 2013 "class" was just me lol).
- I named the "class" of 2013 as
(it made sense back then haha). - Since I graduated earlier than expected, I ended being the 1st alumni from the CE program at UFS.
- I named the "class" of 2013 as
🎒I skipped one grade when I was 6 years old
- That's why I was usually the youngest student in school/college
🖥️ I wrote my first program when I was 13 years old (or 12? don't quite remember the exact year!)
- A Quadratic Equation Calculator written in ILA - a language that had a pseudocode syntax that resembled with Portuguese
🎸 I play guitar (not so regularly due to limited free time)
- Learned to play when I was 12 years old
🥁 I am learning to play drums
- to be fair, I am being quite unable to regularly practice it given the sheer amount of work these days
🎵 I was part of a pop/rock band while in middle/high school
- I even did a cover of Avril Lavigne in 2008
- 🎮 Minecraft is my favorite computer game
- 🥋 I trained Krav Maga for two years